Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Here's a pic of Lake Neuchatel...very nice!  Now we are on the shores of lake Geneva, looking across to the Alps - amazing view!  From here, we are headed down the west side of Lake Geneva toward Chamonix (back in France) a good old mountain town where a bunch of our friends go to ski every year...then onward to the Rhone river valley, hoping to take a ride out toward Zermatt and perhaps a few other mountain towns (depending on how torturous the riding is with 80 pound bikes!), do some hiking before going over a pass through the Alps and into Italy...hope our legs are in shape!  Feeling good, though and loving every minute of it.  Just wondering what we will do when we return to the real world and can't sleep 10 hours a night:)
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  1. Looks beautiful!! Did you take a dip??

  2. Um, no, the water is extremely blue and clear, but freezing! ha ha
